Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA)
Accessible Customer Service Policy
RNF Pet Products Inc is committed to ensuring that we meet the needs of all customers. We strive to ensure that we foster an inclusive community by identifying and removing barriers faced by persons with disabilities and to provide our service in such a way that respects the dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity for all people.
Providing Goods and Services to People With Disabilities
RNF Pet Products Inc is committed to excellence in providing service to all customers, including people with disabilities and we meet this commitment by:
- We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability and we will train staff who communicate with customers on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.
- Most business with customers is conducted by telephone. We will train staff to communicate with customers over the telephone in clear and plain language and to speak clearly and slowly.
- We will offer to communicate with customers by other means of communication, e.g. by email or in person if telephone communication is not suitable to their communication needs.
Assistive Devices
- We will ensure that staff are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities to access our goods and services.
Support Persons and Service Animals
We strive to ensure that people involved in dealing with customers who have a disability are appropriately trained on how to interact appropriately with customers in these cases.
Support Persons
We welcome persons with disabilities who may be accompanied and assisted by a support person.
Service Animals
We will permit any person with a disability with a service animal to enter those areas of our premises that are open to the public and to keep the animal with him or her, unless the animal is otherwise excluded by law.
Service animals may not enter the warehouse, production, or other food handling areas of the premises.
RNF Pet Products Inc will ensure that all employees receive customer service training in a manner appropriate for their role in the organization as required by the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service. All newly hired staff will receive customer service training as part of the orientation and on-boarding process.
Training will include:
- The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard
- How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
- How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person.
- What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing RNF Pet Products Inc’s goods or services
RNF Pet Products Inc will keep a record of training provided. Staff will also be trained on an ongoing basis as and when changes are made to policies, practices or procedures.
Notice of Temporary Disruption
Most business with customers is conducted by telephone or via email. In the event of a planned disruption in services or the availability of services, we will make a reasonable effort to inform customers with notice on our website, on our automated telephone answering system or by signage posted at the premises entrance. In the case of an unexpected disruption, we may not be able to provide advance notice.
Feedback Process
RNF Pet Products Inc is committed to meeting the needs of our customers and to improve access to our products and services. We welcome comments and feedback about our services. All accessibility related feedback will be handled through our regular complaint handling procedures.